Multi Campus Working Group
UCHRI Working Groups awards provide financial resources for University of California graduate students to support research, collaboration, and communication within the extended range of humanities disciplines. Modeled after UCHRI’s faculty Working Groups, this program is designed to facilitate multi-campus intellectual exchanges, bringing graduate students from different campuses, disciplines, departments, and fields across and within the UC system into conversation around a defined thematic or research interest.Member(s) from UCI MAP were awarded a UCHRI Grant Award for the following years. See below for specifics of the Working Group aims and area of focus.
2016-2017 TBD
Working Group Members:
- UCI Simona Capisani
- UCI Itzel Garcia
- UCSD Kathryn Joyce
- UCLA Olufemi Taiwo
- UCLA Amber Kavka Warren
- UCLA Milo Jon-Christopher Crimi
- UCSB Sherri Conklin
- UCSB Jonathan Caravello
Working Group Members:
- UCI Simona Capisani
- UCSD Kathryn Joyce
- UCLA Olufemi Taiwo
- UCSB Sherri Conklin
- UCSB Jonathan Caravello
Our working group investigates the various filters leading to the pipeline problem in academic Philosophy. We organize research and outreach activities focusing on how to increase the number of women and minority students in the undergraduate Philosophy major, so that we can encourage parity at the professional level. Our focus is on pedagogical techniques, classroom climate, perceptions of the discipline, and deterring factors prior to college. The working group has 4 face-to-face meetings per school year, and each representative member hosts an event at their respective university. The events range from colloquium, workshops, presentations of research, etc.
List of Events:
- Fall Event: UCLA Pedagogical Workshop and presentations on Implicit Bias in Philosophy Classrooms
- Winter Event: UCI/UCSD co-hosted meeting discussion about norms in philosophy and pedagogical possibilities for inclusivity. Discussion centered around two readings: Louise Antony's "Difference Voices or A Perfect Storm" and Rebecca Kukla's "Performative Force, Convention, and Discursive Injustice"Convention, and Discursive Injustice"
- Spring Event: UCSB Conference on Inclusive Pedagogy