Grading Policy

  • Pass/Not Pass
  • Repeating Classes/Duplication of Credit
  • Repeating Deficient Grades
  • Language Other than English Grading Policy
  • Transcripts
Pass/Not Pass: 

The following requirements must be taken for letter grades:
  • All School requirements
  • Language other than English courses at the 2C level
  • Humanities Core Course
  • Courses taken for the Humanities Core Alternative requirement
  • Courses in your major.
You may take up to 2 classes toward a minor for P/NP.

Repeating Classes/Duplication of Credit: 

If you earn a C or better, or Pass, in a course, you cannot take it again for credit unless it is repeatable.  Moreover, you will not receive credit for a UCI course that contains material similar to the content of a course taken elsewhere (or vice versa).  If you are unsure about course duplication, check FIRST with an academic counselor.

Repeating Deficient Grades: 

You may repeat courses, up to a maximum of 16 units, in which you receive grades of C- or below (or NP).  If the course was originally taken on a letter grade basis, it must be repeated on a letter grade basis.  If you originally received a grade of NP in a course, it may be repeated on a P/NP basis or for a letter grade.  Repeats of deficient grades in “Topics Vary” courses are possible only if the title and content are exactly the same (i.e. E103 – Hawthorne & James is not the same as E103 – Old English).

Language Other Than English Requirement Grading Policy:

You must earn a grade of "C" (2.0) or better in all first- and second-year language other than English courses in order to advance to the next level. If you wish to repeat a deficient grade in one of these classes, it must be repeated prior to continuing on to the next level of the sequence.

NOTE: First-year students entering the university Fall 2007 or later and students who choose to follow Fall 2007 degree requirements must earn a grade of C or better in the sixth quarter in order to fulfill the School of Humanities’ language other than English requirement.


You are responsible for checking your transcript each quarter.  Grades are posted on your Student Access transcript a week after the quarter ends.  Official copies are available at the Registrar’s Office.  Errors must be corrected promptly, as most changes must be made within one quarter.