Prospective Graduate Students
The Fall 2022 application is open now at: grad.uci.edu/apply/
Applications will be due December 7, 2021.
To apply, please visit https://apply.grad.uci.edu/apply/ to begin the online application. The online application is run centrally by UCI Graduate Division. Should you have any issues with the online application, contact their office by emailing gradapplicant@uci.edu
Application materials:The Department of History requires the submission of the following materials in order to complete your application to the MA or PhD program. All materials must be received by the application deadline, including letters of recommendation.
Additional information for the application requirements can be found here: https://grad.uci.edu/admissions/applying-to-uci/index.php
Information for International Students can be found here: https://grad.uci.edu/admissions/applying-to-uci/international-qualifications.php
1. No GRE score required (Electronic Submission)
- Beginning with the admission cycle for Fall 2021 admission, a GRE score will no longer be required to apply to the UCI History Graduate Program.
For application review purposes only, scan and upload copies of transcripts for all institutions attended since high school. In the online application, you will be prompted to upload your scanned documents. Please upload both the front and back sides of the transcript. Uploaded transcripts should be recent and include the following: your name, dates of attendance, grades/marks received, credits and grading legend. UCI reserves the right to require official transcripts at any time during the admission process, and rescind any offer of admission made if discrepancies between uploaded and official transcript(s) are found. Official transcripts will be requested if and when you are admitted and decide to attend UCI. Do not send official transcripts until this time, unless you are requested to do so.
3. One copy of TOEFL or IELTS scores (Electronic Submission)
- This applies only to International applicants from countries where English is not the primary language.
- Please check http://grad.uci.edu/admissions/applying-to-uci/english-proficiency.php for more details.
- Letters of Recommendation can be submitted online through the application system.
- How to submit letters of recommendation online: http://www.grad.uci.edu/admissions/applying-to-uci/letters-recommendation.html
- Please upload your writing sample to your online application.
- Length: A minimum of ten pages to a maximum of thirty pages. Any submission longer than the maximum will not be reviewed past the maximum page limit.
- You may submit two pieces of work as long as it does not exceed the page limit.
- In the event you have a longer piece of work to submit, such as a Master's thesis or Undergraduate research paper, please submit a chapter or section of the work within the page restriction.
- Demonstration of work: In addition to demonstrating your writing ability, the selection should show your ability to work with primary source materials, and/or deal with historiographical debates.
Application FAQ's (click a question for the answer)
• How much is the application fee?
• Can I apply for an application extension?
• Does the application for the MA differ from the PhD?
• How is my application reviewed?
• What score do I need to achieve for the GRE?
• Can I submit my letters of recommendation by mail?
• Do I need to submit my supplemental application materials to the Department in person?
• Should I already have an advisor in mind during my application?
• Is there a word-limit for the personal statement and statement of purpose portions of the application?
• When are admission decisions made?
Program FAQ's (click a question for the answer)
• What's the funding package?
• What is the time to degree?
• Can I take the coursework on a part-time status?
• I already received my MA in History from another institution. Does this reduce my time to degree?
• What is the typical first year MA course workload?
-One complete three course colloquia series
-One Proseminar/Research Seminar series (History 202/203)
-Two related courses (such as two courses from another colloquia, a series of courses approved by their advisor and Graduate Director, or History & Theory (History 200A/200B).)
-One directed reading course (History 291) related to oral examination or thesis preparation
-One elective
• What is the typical first year PhD course workload?
Fall Quarter:
History 200A-History & Theory
History 202-First Year Proseminar
First Field Colloquium
Winter Quarter:
History 200B History & Theory (cont’d)
History 203-First Year Research Seminar
First Field (cont’d)
Spring Quarter:
Elective or Second Field Collquium
Second Field Colloquium
First Field Colloquium
• What are fields?
A first field is the major chronologic and/or geographic field in which you situate yourself and in which you are competent to teach. A second field can consist of the above, as well as a thematic field, such as an emphasis in the history of gender and sexuality, Asian American studies, and visual studies which will involve course work and interaction with these outside departments.
Current fields of study include: Early Modern European History (220 series), Modern European History (230 series), World History (240 series), Latin American History (250 series), American History (260 series), Chinese History (274 series), and Middle Eastern and North African History (275 series). Please note many of the colloquium series are offered every other year.
First and second fields are satisfied through the completion of a colloquia series.
• What is a Proseminar (202A) and Research Seminar (202B)?
Requests for deviations to this course work due to individual circumstances must be made by petition to the Graduate Program Committee (GPC).
• What are electives?
Special Topics courses (History 290) are specifically electives within the Department. These courses vary in content from year to year. Recent offerings include: Gendered Narratives, Histories of Migration, Cold War Culture, Intro to Digital Humanities, and Latin America Export Economy.
• What are Directed Readings (291)?
These courses can cover an area not currently taught in a regularly scheduled course or can focus on a student’s particular interests. These courses often count as electives, but upon petition to the Graduate Program Director, they may be part of a first or second field.