Farm Workers Picking Oranges


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Department of History Opportunities

1) Bea Baker Award

This award is designated to a deserving graduate student who is excelling in their area of study and on time to degree. Award is based upon faculty advisor nominations only.

Call for Applications: Spring Quarter

Award Amount: $600

2) Dickson D. Bruce Graduate Research Award

This award honors the memory of Dickson Davies (Dave) Bruce, Jr., who taught in the Department for thirty-seven years and recently passed in 2014.  Although the award will be offered first to fund the research of those studying United States history, it is also available to students of other research areas. The donors require that the recipients acknowledge the award in the introduction of their dissertations and that the family receive an electronic copy of each competed dissertation that was assisted by the award.

Call for Applications: Spring Quarter

Award Amount: $2000

3) History Graduate Student Research and Travel Grants

These grants, funded by the Department, are available to support pre-dissertation research, dissertation research, and travel to major conferences.

Call for Applications: Spring Quarter

Award Amount: $1000

Travel Opportunities

1) Associated Graduate Students (AGS)

Various Opportunities

UC Opportunities


UCI Opportunities

1) Graduate Division

Various Opportunities

2) Humanities Commons

As part of its mission to promote the development and  dissemination of scholarship, the Humanities Commons awards grants to School of  Humanities faculty and graduate students to support research, conference  travel, publication subvention and conference planning.  Grants are  awarded twice a year in fall and spring quarters.  The Humanities Commons'  internal grant streams are funded through the Academic Senate (CORCL), the UCI  Office of Research, and the UC Humanities Network.

3) Office of Graduate Study