Pre-1800 Requirement
A major in History requires that one of the 12 courses taken covers the period of history pre-1800.The following courses always satisfy the pre-1800 requirement:
15D, 16A, 16B, 18A, 21A, 21B, 36A, 36B, 36C, 37A, 37B, 37C, 40A, 110D, 112D, 131B, 131C, 132D, 134A, 135B, 140B, 160, 164A, 165, 170A, 170B, 171D
Additional 2021-2022 Pre-1800 Courses (in addition to those already on the above list)
Fall 2021: 100W (GALILEO ON TRIAL), 102B, 175G
Winter 2022: 70B, 169 (THE MAKING OF HAITI)
Additional 2020-2021 Pre-1800 Courses (in addition to those already on the above list)
Winter 2021: 15A, 100W (GALILEO ON TRIAL), 183, 184
Spring 2021: 12, 70F, 114, 170B
Additional 2019-2020 Pre-1800 Courses (in addition to those already on the above list)
Fall 2019: 170A (ANCIENT INDIA)
Winter 2020: 170B (MEDIEVAL INDIA)
Spring 2020: 15A, 131A, 183
Additional 2018-2019 Pre-1800 Courses (in addition to those already on the above list)
Fall 2018: 70B, 70E, 114
Winter 2019: 12, 70D, 100W (MEDIEVAL SAINTS), 130C
Spring 2019: 12, 70F, 134C, 183
Additional 2017-2018 Pre-1800 Courses (in addition to those already on the above list)
Fall 2017: 123D
Winter 2018: 70B, 114, 130C, 132D, 180
Spring 2018: 12 (Atlantic Slavery), 70F, 110D, 131A
Other courses may apply on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Michelle Spivey (spiveym@uci.edu) if you think another course may satisfy the requirement.