M.A., European Thought and Culture - Careers
Our program will provide a way for students to enhance their resumes by expanding their knowledge in one European language and literature so that they will have a broader understanding of European-wide traditions and issues. As such, the program offers students a way of building their B.A. into a more advanced qualification that would open up more opportunities to them, permitting them to teach at either community colleges or private high schools, or to apply to Ph.D. programs.The program will also provide preparation for students who are interested in working in business, government, or non-profit organizations. An increasingly globalized marketplace favors students with deep understanding of the history and culture of Europe. Below are some resources for students interested in a variety of careers.
Contact the German American Business Association (www.gaba-network.org/socal/) to sign up for their mailing list and see their schedule of networking events.
Though catering mainly to businesses, the French American Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles (www.facclosangeles.org/) and of San Diego (www.france-sandiego.org/) both organize networking events.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (www.dni.gov/index.php/about/organization/foreign-language) lists opportunities with the National Language Service Corps, Department of State Consular Fellows Program, and the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship.
The State Department website lists skills such as “Cultural Adaptability,” “Oral Communication,” and “Written Communication” as qualifications for becoming a Foreign Service Officer (https://careers.state.gov/work/foreign-service/officer). In addition, they list French, German, Italian, and Russian as desired languages that they would like to see in their job candidates.
The Defense Intelligence Agency lists vacancies (www.dia.mil/Careers/) for students graduating with degrees in “Language” and “Foreign Area Studies” and specifies French, German, and Russian as desired languages for their candidates. They also offer summer internships.
The Central Intelligence Agency lists career tracks (www.cia.gov/careers) such as Political Analyst and Foreign Language Officer for which foreign language training is an excellent preparation.
The National Security Agency lists job tracks (www.intelligencecareers.gov/nsa/nsacareers.html) such as Language Analyst and Foreign Language Advisor for which they require education in Foreign Language or Linguistics, History, Government or Political Science, Intelligence, or International Affairs/Relations/Studies.