Euro Studies Resources
Funding - Grant/Fellowship Opportunities
- Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard
- The German Academic Exchange Service
- The National Italian American Foundation Grants
- UC Berkeley Institute for European Studies Grants and Fellowships
General Information
- Association of American Colleges and Universities - Founded in 2003, the Center for Liberal Education and Civic Enagagement seeks to deepen understandings of the relation of liberal education to service and civic responsibilities.
- Gateway to the European Union - For General Information on the European Union as well as on specific member states (with loads of links for each country!), the following 'portal' to the European Union is great!
- UCLA's Center for European and Eurasian Studies
- West European Studies Section - WESS is a section within the Association of College and Research Libraries that is professionally involved in the acquisition, organization, and use of information sources originating in or related to Western European countries.
News and Magazines
Places to Study in Europe
- Krakow Jagiellonian University - Center for European Studies
- Resources for Students and Teachers in East-West Studies
- The Free University in Berlin International Summer Program
- Trinity College Dublin - A one-year Program for Visiting Students of European Studies at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Research Funding Opportunities
Summer Scholarship
- Sigma Delta Pi - National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society direct link to the summer scholarship: http://www.sigmadeltapi.org/schol.html
U.S. Grad Programs in European Studies
- Center for European Studies at Duke University
- Indiana University - West European Studies
- NYU Center for European Studies