The European Studies Undergraduate Program
The program in European Studies provides undergraduates with an opportunity to study Europe from the vantage points of several disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Because Europe is both a geographical place and an idea which changes throughout history, it has had different meanings at different times and in different places. The study of Europe thus requires an open, pluralistic, and interdisciplinary curriculum that takes a critical approach to the idea (or ideas of) Europe. The program provides a multidisciplinary view of Europe as a whole and of its historical, political, and cultural formation and global implications. It also provides a focus on a specific area of European experience that cuts across traditional disciplinary and national boundaries.
Students may elect to specialize in one of the following areas: Early Europe (Pre-1789), Modern Europe (Post-1789) French Studies, German Studies, Italian Studies, Russian Studies, Spanish Studies. Students may also define their own specialization in consultation with a program advisor and with the approval of the European Studies Committee.
Because there are so many options for specialization within the major, students will be assigned for academic advising to members of the European Studies Committee and required to consult with their advisors on a quarterly basis.
Career Opportunities
A degree in European Studies prepares its graduates to enter advanced degree programs in international business, history, law, and political science. The strong academic skills and professional orientation acquired by European Studies majors are necessary to pursue successful careers in such fields as international banking, law, journalism, management, public relations, publishing, and government service. Humanities graduates in general learn to express ideas clearly, do independent research, and think analytically and imaginatively—the required tools for success beyond the undergraduate career.
The UCI Career Center provides services to students and alumni including career counseling, information about job opportunities, a career library, and workshops on resume preparation, job search, and interview techniques. See the Career Center section for additional information.