Course Descriptions


Atlantic Rim

Fall Quarter (F24)

Dept/Description Course No., Title  Instructor
Emphasis/Category: Atlantic Rim

One of the great historical transformations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was the shift, for many people, from the countryside to cities and suburbs. This course studies this development close to home by examining the urban and suburban history of southern California. We will look at the physical form of the city of Los Angeles and Orange County suburbs and the forces that shaped the ways in which they were laid out and inhabited, paying attention to geography, economic factors, class, and experience.
The purpose of the 100W for historians is for students to develop skills essential the study and writing of history. We will analyze and practice how historians approach a topic, examine evidence, formulate questions, and create arguments. For example, when reading secondary sources, we will learn to recognize the historical argument being made. A key goal of this class is for you to identify a historical question, having to do with cities and suburbs, that you find interesting. The assignments for this class, week by week, are designed to lead you there. The final project is to formulate a research question and propose sources and an approach for answering it.
Days: WE  01:00-03:50 PM

Courses Offered by Global Cultures or other Schools at UCI

Atlantic Rim

Fall Quarter (F24)

Dept Course No., Title   Instructor