Global Cultures Core Courses

The following six core courses are required for the Global Cultures major (The same courses are required for Global Cultures minors except the capstone seminar).  Course description for History 21 are found on this page.

  • History 21 A, B, C (these may be taken out of sequence)
  • Global Cultures 103 A, 103 B and 191 (Capstone Seminar)
History 21A, B, C and Global Cultures 103A / 103B should be taken as early as possible in the Global Cultures major, but they are not prerequisites for taking courses in your emphases.

GC 103 A should ideally be taken before GC 103 B but you may take them concurrently or reverse the order if scheduling problems arise. (GC 103 A and B are topics vary courses and so may be repeated for credit if the topic changes).

The Senior Seminar G.C. 191 is best taken in the senior year but may be taken before if it cannot be accommodated into the student's final year's schedule.


GLBLCLT 103A: Citizen & Dissident (M. Bhattacharya)
GLBLCLT 191: Spaghetti Western (P. Zissos)
GLBLCLT 103A: Culture, Money, Globalization (Staff)
GLBLCLT 103B: Arts & Visual Cultures of J Buddhism (E. Tinsley)
GLBLCLT 103A: Germany & Asia (Broadbent, P.)
GLBLCLT 103A: Korean Soc & Cultre (Choi, C.)
GLBLCLT 103A: Comparative Mythology (Cereti, C.)
GLBLCLT 103B: Pers Emp & Greece (Branscome, D.)
GLBLCLT 103B: Jp Hist Pop Culture (Ghanbarpour, C.)
GLBLCLT 103B: Fanon & Feminism (Willoughby-Her, T.)
GLBLCLT 103B: Wayward Womanhood (Mudiwa, R.)
GLBLCLT 191: How Nations Remember (Biendarra, A.)
GLBLCLT 191: Mid East Diasporas (Farah, D.)