Pedagogy Resources

The Humanities Center offers these resources to support our faculty, lecturer, and graduate instructors as UCI transitions to remote teaching and learning.
UCI Resources
- The Division of Teaching and Excellence offers a guide for teaching continuity and is offering webinars and virtual assistance office hours. Please see the schedule here, along with answers to questions posed about transitioning to remote teaching. They also published "Guidance for UCI Faculty in Light of Increased Online Instruction."
- DTEI and the Office of Information Technology also published this resource on UCI Teach Anywhere.
- For privacy considerations, please see this site.
- See UCI Libraries Remote Resources and also complete this survey to help the UCI Libraries better serve the needs of the School of Humanities.
- The UC Guide on Promoting Student Mental Health
School of Humanities Resources
- Please join us for Humanities Teacher Lab which address various topics and practices related to remote teaching.
- To receive one-on-one consultations in the School of Humanities, please meet Miguel Ramón and sign-up at
- Laura Mitchell, UCI's Director of Pedagogical Development in the School of Humanities, Associate Professor of History, and Coordinator of the Humanities Faculty Learning Community, offers these insights.
- Clare Bettencourt, doctoral student in History and coordinator of the School of Humanities Graduate Learning Community, shares her teaching resources.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education offers a guide to "Coping with Coronavirus: How Faculty Members Can Support Students in Traumatic Times."
- Stephanie Hedge shares strategies for "Teaching with GoogleDocs."
- Michelle Miller, Professor of Psychological Sciences at Northern Arizona University and director and co-creator of its First Year Learning Initiative, authored "Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start" for ChronicleVitae.
- Online Education offers the Faculty Focus blog.
- Elizabeth Pollard, Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence at San Diego State University, offers practical advice for adapting existing courses for online teaching.
- Tips and Tricks: Teachers Educating on Zoom