Grad Student Research Support
Research development is a core component of the Humanities Center's mission to spark new knowledge, launch vibrant intellectual communities and inspire conversations that matter. In the last five years, our Ph.D. students have been awarded Fulbright-Hays fellowships for China and Brazil, the ACLS/Luce Fellowship in American Art, the ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship, three American Association of University Women dissertation fellowships and other nationally prestigious fellowships. Read about recent grad student fellowship recipients here.The Humanities Center provides annual grant-writing workshops in Winter and Spring quarters. Grant-writing workshop dates are listed on the Grad Lab calendar.
In addition, Amanda Swain, Executive Director, can assist with finding funding opportunities, drafting proposal materials and planning when to apply for external funding. Contact Amanda at or schedule an appointment (Zoom or in person).
Selected fellowship opportunities for humanities PhD students:
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Dissertation Fellowships
American Association of University Women (AAUS) International Fellowships (international students)
Ford Foundation Predoctoral (pre-qualifying exams) and Dissertation Fellowships
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Dissertation Fellowships
American Association of University Women (AAUS) International Fellowships (international students)
Ford Foundation Predoctoral (pre-qualifying exams) and Dissertation Fellowships
Search for funding opportunities:
UCLA GRAPES graduate student funding opportunities database
UC Berkeley Scholarship Connection graduate student funding opportunities database
UC Berkeley Scholarship Connection graduate student funding opportunities database