
Welcome to the Gateway Alumni Profile form! Humanities graduate alumni represent scholars, professionals and artists with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Please take a few moments to update or add your profile to (re)connect with us and share your story.

Alumni Biography Form

Field Name Your Response
Format: 1989, 2004, etc.
Profile: Tell us about yourself. For example, what value has your Humanities graduate degree brought to your career? What advice would you give to current Humanities graduate students?

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If you have an image or any other information you would like to accompany your biography, you can email it to espiritc@uci.edu.

With the exception of your email address, the information you have provided will be published on the School of Humanities’ and Graduate Program’s Alumni Placement websites. Any field left blank indicates that you do not want the information posted online. By completing and submitting this form you understand, acknowledge, and agree to the use of your information as described above. If you wish to be removed from the School of Humanities Alumni listing, please resubmit the form, choosing “remove” from the drop-down menu. For any questions, please contact Arielle Hinojosa-Garcia.