Meditations on the Maghreb

 Humanities Center     Jan 24 2020 | 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM HIB 135

Four Scholars will present work on the Maghreb at an afternoon symposium on the October 17, 1961, massacre of Algerians in Paris.  Featuring: Lia Brozgal (French, UCLA) Katarzyna Pieprzak (French, Williams College) on art of the Moroccan "bidonvilles" (slums); Virginie Rey (Anthropology, UCI) on Tunisian museums; and Laura Klein (French, UCI) on the Mediterranean Maghreb. Ian Coller (History, UCI) will serve as Respondent.

Co-sponsored by the Department of European Languages & Studies, Comparative Literature, and the Humanities Center "Borders & Belonging."
