Workshop with Eric Zack, The Conversation (open to professors, lecturers & graduate students)

 Communications     Apr 3 2019 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM HG 1030

Join Eric Zack, university relations director with The Conversation, to learn about writing for the general public, how to pitch The Conversation, and the benefits of reaching a wide audience through their model. He'll also show the ease of working with The Conversation, their process, and how you can track your success through their authors analytics dashboard.

The Conversation is an independent, nonprofit publisher of commentary and analysis authored by academics (including Ph.D. students and post-docs) and edited by journalists for the general public. Articles reach over 10-million readers of The Conversation each month and well beyond that due to cross-publication on mainstream media outlets.

Here are some of the reported results of writing for The Conversation:​​

  • UCI academics have been published in outlets such as the Washington Post, Newsweek, Scientific American, CBS, Time and PBS through their partnership with The Conversation
  • 51% received a request for an interview
  • 38% received a request for a print interview
  • 27% received a request to write an article for a different outlet
  • 43% were approached for other academic collaborations
  • 31% increased citations of scholarly articles
  • 23% used article metrics as part of a grant or other funding