Randall Halle, University of Pittsburgh

 European Languages and Studies     Feb 28 2019 - Mar 1 2019 | 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM ALP 1600 (Thur.) & HG 1002(Fri.)

The Department of European Languages and Studies has invited Randall Halle from the University Pittsburgh to give a public lecture and faculty workshop for its inaugural event for the Masters Program in European Thought and Culture.

Thursday, February 28, 2019 4-6PM in ALP 1600
Randall Halle, “Critical European Culture Studies: How to.”
This presentation proposes a framework for critical studies of culture, especially European culture. The EU project of unification strives for economic, political, and cultural union. Yet the study of the EU has largely ignored culture. We can note that long before the EU, Europe and culture, European culture, these two terms have been deeply connected. What impact has the EU had on culture? How does the contemporary striving for transnational cultural union differ from the European culture of the past? In this fraught contemporary political and economic context, how do we approach culture?

Friday, March 1, 2019 2-4PM in HG 1002
Workshop with Randall Halle: “Creative Europe: A Practical Guide to Cultural Policy and Practice in Europe”
This engaged workshop will familiarize participants with the major European cultural policies and funding agencies. It will introduce databases, agencies, policies, funding sources, and significant projects.

Randall Halle is the Klaus W. Jonas Professor of German Film and Cultural Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. At Pitt he is the founding Director of the Critical European Culture Studies Program as well as Director of the Film and Media Studies Program. He is founding Co-Chair of the European Culture Research Network of the Council for European Studies.  His books include The Europeanization of Cinema, Toward a Transnational Aesthetic: German Film after Germany, Queer Readings in Social Philosophy, among others. His essays have appeared in journals such as New German Critique, Screen, Camera Obscura, German Quarterly, and Film-Philosophy.  He is currently finishing European Cultural Dis/Union and Interzone Europe: Nation-State Turkey.

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