Comics in Academia?!

 UCI Illuminations     Feb 5 2019 - Feb 7 2019 | 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Contemporary Arts Center (CAC) Colloquium Room

A three-day event with the author-artist team who created "Lissa: A Story About Medical Promise, Friendship, and Revolution."  "Lissa," coauthored by UCI anthropologist Sherine Hamdy, brings anthropological research to life in fictional comic form, combining scholarly insights and accessible, visually-rich storytelling to foster greater understanding of global politics, inequalities, and solidarity.

Lissa follows the paths of two young girls, Anna and Layla, who strike up an unlikely friendship in Cairo that crosses class, cultural, and religious divides. Their friendship is put to the test when each faces a medical crisis that reveal stark differences in their perspectives...until revolutionary unrest in Egypt changes their lives forever.

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