Telling the Story of Your Research: Public Speaking with Bri McWhorter

 Humanities Center     Jan 22 2019 | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM HG 1341

Bri McWhorter
Being an effective communicator is a life skill. Whether you are giving a formal presentation, interviewing for a job or interacting with a co-worker, you should be able to share your ideas with others in a clear and engaging way.

This workshop explores the power of stories and their role in memorable and meaningful communication.

Using techniques that actors have been utilizing for decades, UCI MFA Bri McWhorter provides group workshops and individual coaching sessions specializing in presentation skills, interview techniques, and interpersonal communications. Bri has a strong track record working with the Graduate Resource Center, including Grad Slam, and with many departments and programs across campus.

Open to all faculty, lecturers, graduate students, and staff in the School.