Workshop: Writing for the Public

 Humanities Center     Nov 7 2018 | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM HG1341

Fight Climate Injustice

featuring Professor Erika Hayasaki (Literary Journalism), Janet Wilson (UCI Communications), and Annabel Adams (Humanities Communications)

Participants will have an opportunity to work on  titles, abstracts, op-eds, and blog posts. Participation in October 24 session recommended

This workshop is part of Professor Steve Allison's "Communication Skills in Environmental Science" course (ECO/EVO 203a). Through a special partnership with the Humanities Commons, humanities graduate students may enroll in Professor Allison's course, or attend three open sessions, including this one.

Erika Hayasaki is Associate Professor of Literary Journalism at UCI. Erika Hayasaki's feature stories and essays have appeared in WIRED, The Atlantic, Slate, Newsweek, TIME, The Wall Street Journal, Glamour, Foreign Policy, The California Sunday Magazine, Pacific Standard, and other publications. She spent nine years as a staff metro reporter, education writer, and New York-based national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times. She is a 2018 Alicia Patterson Fellow, receiving the Cissy Patterson award for science and environmental reporting. She has been an editor-at-large for Narratively and Zocalo Public Square.

Janet Wilson is Director of Special Projects for UCI Communications. She is an award-winning journalist and communicator. She earned her B.A. from Yale University, her M.S. from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and was named a Harvard University Nieman Fellow for her coverage of juvenile violence in Detroit. At UCI, she works with faculty, students and administrators, translating academic trends into plain English, and publicizing new findings via hundreds of news outlets. She was a frontline reporter on a Los Angeles Times Pulitzer Prize winning team and reported from Ground Zero after 9/11. As part of the Times' environment team she broke stories on everything from the Grand Canyon being used to benefit power companies to inner city areas grappling with pollution to White House officials quashing scientific findings. 

Annabel Adams is the UCI School of Humanities' chief storyteller and director of marketing and communications. Prior to UCI, she developed marketing, PR and communications strategies for an Entrepreneur Magazine-ranked #1 Franchise, a NY Times best-selling author, and an American Lawyer-ranked "Top 10" law firm. Her media strategies have results in primetime earned media coverage and placements in top print and digital publications. In addition, she has served as a ghostwriter for entrepreneurs with authored articles reaching thousands of people. Annabel earned her B.A. in English from UCI and her M.A. in English from California State University, Long Beach.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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