"The Body and the Body Politic": An Inaugural Intellectual Summit

 Asian American Studies     Nov 2 2018 | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1030

Please join us to celebrate the newly created University of California Consortium to promote the study of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Histories of the Americas (WGSHA), the publication of the Oxford Handbook on American Women's and Gender History (2018) and the new UC editorial offices for Women and Social Movements in the U.S. 1600 to the Present (Alexander Street Press).

“The Body and the Body Politic,” is an intellectual summit to launch the University of California Consortium in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Histories of the Americas (WGSHA) and the Women and Social Movements in the U.S.,1600-2000 (WASM) Journal, co-edited by Prof. Judy Tzu-Chun Wu. 

Summit Schedule, Registration (by Oct 30) and/or join the WGSHA listserv, by clicking here.

For additional information or questions, please contact Judy Wu.

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