DH Working Group: Text Analysis with Voyant

 Humanities Center     Nov 1 2018 | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM HH 217

Madelynn DIckersonA Gentle Introduction to Text Analysis with Voyant Tools
with Madelynn Dickerson, UCI Digital Humanities and History Librarian

In this introductory workshop, we will learn about the basics of text analysis by exploring Voyant Tools (https://voyant-tools.org), an open-source reading and analysis environment for digital texts. We will cover text analysis fundamentals and methods for sourcing and uploading text into Voyant. We will explore Voyant’s suite of tools and their functions, as well as options for exporting data back out of the platform. No experience necessary!  This is a great workshop to start with if you’re new to text analysis or digital humanities research methods. The goal is to help you feel confident in exploring text analysis further on your own, and to begin to develop a critical awareness of Voyant’s functionality and value as a potential research tool for your own work.

The workshop will be held in a lab with desktop computers for participants. We will be working with a sample text, which will be made available during the session; however, if you have your own text you would like to experiment with, please feel free to bring it.