Open Access Publishing with Eileen Joy, Punctum Books

 Humanities Center     Oct 25 2018 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM HG1010

Punctum YesSpeakers: Eileen Joy and Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, Co-Directors, punctum books
Moderated by Jonathan Alexander (English)

While not all researchers within the UC system are fully aware of recent developments within the landscape of Open Access publishing, major movements are more than already afoot within the UK and Europe, including the recently-announced Plan S, which will require all research supported by European funding bodies to be published in open-access form by 2020. Within the US, the University of California is leading the edge of large-scale transformations in scholarly communications, with mandates around Open Access issued in 2013 and 2015 (by the Academic Senate as well as the Office of the President), and more recently, with the publication of the "Pathways to OA" toolkit (see HERE) as well as the "Choosing Pathways to OA" Working Forum being convened at UC Berkeley this October "to make Open Access a Reality in north America" (see HERE).

As part of the experimentation around Open Access being fostered and encouraged within the UC system at this time, punctum books is entering into a 2-year pilot partnership with UC Santa Barbara Library around open books in the Humanities and Social Sciences and has also joined forces with Open Access presses in the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands to form ScholarLed, a new consortium of Open Access book publishers that aims to create an ecosystem for open books in the Humanities and Social Sciences that is not-for-profit, community-driven, and led by academic researchers (as opposed to for-profit, commercial-conglomerate publishers such as SpringerNature, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and even legacy university presses which, increasingly, focus more on the bottom line than on the needs of researcher communities). In this talk, Eileen and Vincent will share their vision of the future of community-driven, scholar-led Open Access books as well as their experiences working with authors and editors within the UC system and with UCSB Library and ScholarLed.

Co-sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication.