"If My Friends Could See Me Now": Filipina American Dreams, Talk with Dr Catherine Ceniza Choy

 History     Oct 19 2018 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM HIB 135

"If My Friends Could See Me Now": Filipina American Dreams

Presenter: Dr. Catherine Ceniza Choy (University of California, Berkeley)

What would happen if we placed the lives of Filipino women at the center of a transnational narrative about U.S. and Philippine histories? This talk explores the connections and divergences among three Filipino women Encarnacion
Alzona, Ines Cayaban, and Pacita Abadwho migrated to the United States at different times during the twentieth
century, led singular careers in education, public health, and visual art, and left documentation of their lives and work
for posterity. In doing so, they reveal the opportunities, but also constraints of the legacy of the U.S. colonial presence in the Philippines.

Friday, October 19, 2018 at 2 p.m. in Humanities Instructional Building (HIB) 135.

Sponsors: Humanities Commons, Department of Asian American Studies, Department of Global and International Studies, Department of History, Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, Illuminations

Contact: Dr. Rachel O'Toole, History Department, rotoole@uci.edu