UCHRI Funding Opportunities

 Humanities Center     Oct 15 2018 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM HG 1341

Shana Melnysyn, UCHRI Competitive Grants Office, will give an overview of funding opportunities for faculty and graduate students through the UC Humanities Research Institute, including new grants and fellowships introduced this year. You can see all UCHRI grants and fellowship opportunity and application deadlines here.

She will be available for individual consultations after the presentation by appointment only.  To schedule an appointment, contact Shana directly at smelnysyn@hri.uci.edu.

Shana joined UCHRI in November 2017, after completing her PhD in anthropology and history at the University of Michigan. She is passionate about helping the humanities flourish and bringing humanistic knowledge to broader publics. Her research interests include microhistories of conflict, interpersonal power dynamics, and racialized identities under Portuguese colonialism in Angola, where she did her dissertation research. Shana manages UCHRI’s competitive grants programs, communicating with applicants and grantees across the UC system and coordinating advisory committee meetings.