Marxism and Deconstruction Revisited: After 1968, Bruno Bosteels

 Latin American Studies     May 25 2018 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Humanities Hall 303

Bruno Bosteels, Professor of Latin American and Iberian Cultures and the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University, will give a talk at UC Irvine next Friday. You can find his detailed bio here:

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of May 1968 I would like to revisit an unfinished debate between Marxism and deconstruction. Announced but never fully developed as a "fruitful dialogue" by Martin Heidegger as early as in 1946-1947 in his "Letter on Humanism," this debate also failed to take place between Jacques Derrida and Louis Althusser, even though they began the year 1968 with seminal lectures on "La différance" and "Lenin and Philosophy," respectively, at the French Society for Philosophy at the Sorbonne. The move from Marx to Heidegger, however, would soon thereafter become a paradigmatic itinerary for the philosophical left around the globe, a fact I would like to study by way of an analysis of the Argentine philosopher, poet and painter Oscar del Barco.

The talk will follow a light reception, which will begin at noon in the courtyard of Humanities Hall.

Friday May 25th, noon
Humanities Hall 303

Sponsored by Spanish and Portuguese, Critical Theory and the Latin American Studies Center.

For more information, please contact Prof. Viviane Mahieux: