Recent Books in Korean Studies, Colloquium

 Center for Critical Korean Studies     May 11 2018 | 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM HG 1030

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Coffee and Registration

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM Opening Remark
By Kyung Hyun Kim (Director, CCKS, UC Irvine)

9:10 AM - 10:00 AM Book Discussion I
Tourist Distractions: Traveling and Feeling in Transnational Hallyu Cinema
By Youngmin Choe (Korean Cinema and Culture, USC)
Commentator: Eleana Kim (Anthropology, UC Irvine)

10:10 AM -11:00 AM Book Discussion II
Race and Ethnicity in English Language Teaching: Korea in Focus
By Christopher J. Jenks (English, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Commentator: Joseph J. Jeon (English, UC Irvine)

11:10 AM - 12:10 PM UCI Grad Student Presentations I
“Breaking the Retrospective Curse: Linearity and Deconstructed Ethics in Snowpiercer and The Terror: Live”
By Sue Heun Kim (PhD student, EALL, UC Irvine)

“Model Dreamers: Undocumented Asian Americans Navigate Racialization and Privilege in Immigrant Rights Organizing”
By Elizabeth Hana Clark (PhD student, Anthropology, UC Irvine) & Stephen Lee (Law, UC Irvine)

12:10 PM - 1:40 PM Lunch

01:40 PM - 2:40 PM UCI Grad Student Presentations II

“Transgressive Spaces: Contemporary South Korean Feminist Communities” 
By Anat Schwartz (PhD student, EALL, UC Irvine)

“The Candlelight Burns: Queer Student Activism and the Spirit of Dissent in South Korea”
By Alexander Wolff (PhD student, Anthropology, UC Irvine)

02:50 PM - 3:40 PM Book Discussion III
Democratization and Social Movements in South Korea: Defiant Institutionalization
By Sun-Chul Kim (RELC, Emory)
Commentator: Francesca Polleta (Sociology, UC Irvine)

3:50 PM - 4:40 PM Book Discussion IV
From Miracle to Mirage: The Making and Unmaking of the Korean Middle Class, 1960-2015
By Myungji Yang (Political Science, University of Hawai’i-Manoa)
Commentator: David A. Smith (Sociology, UC Irvine)

4:40 PM Reception