Working with Human Subjects in Your Research: A Special Presentation by the IRB (Institutional Review Board)

 Humanities Center     May 10 2018 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM HG1341

Presenter: Laverne C. Estanal, UCI IRB

Did you know ....?  Research involving human subjects must undergo review by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB is charged with the responsibility of reviewing human subjects research and ensuring compliance with federal regulations, state laws, and UC/UCI policies. The primary role of the IRB is to protect the safety and welfare of human subjects. IRB “C” reviews social/behavioral research, and some humanities projects fall under that category. Each committee is composed of physicians, scientists, non-scientists, and community members with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of the research activities conducted at UCI. 

If you or your advisees conduct interviews or surveys with living people ("human subjects"), this research may require IRB approval or IRB exemption. Learn more at this important session!

Abou the speaker
Laverne Estanol, M.S., CHRC, CIP, CCRP
UCI Alumni
B.A. Social Sciences (UCI)
M.S. Clinical Psychophysiology (CSPP)

Research:  Staff Research Associate
 2000-2005, UCLA:  NIH-R01, NIH-R21, and industry sponsored research
 2005-2008, UCI:  various federal, foundation, and industry sponsored research
 1999-2012:  Co-authored in journal publications

IRB Administration
 2008-2010:  Principal Analyst, UCI
 2010-2015:  Director, VA San Diego Healthcare System
 2015-present:  Assistant Director, UCI