Film and Presentation: Feminist Labor Activism in Blue Collar Trades

 History     May 8 2018 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM HH 143

Film and Presentation: Feminist Labor Activism in Blue Collar Trades
Tuesday, May 8, 3:30-4:50pm
Room 143, Humanities Hall, UC Irvine

Come see the 20 minute 1985 film, "Trade Secrets: Blue Collar Women Speak Out", from 3:30-4pm, followed by a presentation and Q&A from 4:00-4:50pm with Pat Williams, a trailblazing feminist and LGBT activist in blue collar trades in Southern California.

Pat Williams became one of the first women to enter the Operating Engineer apprenticeship program in Los Angeles in 1979. She went on to become a District Representative and Vice President of Operating Engineers Local 501, and has been a longtime tradeswoman activist and advocate with groups such as Annual Women Build Nations, Tradeswomen Inc., Sisters in the Building Trades, Pride and a Paycheck, the Tradeswomen Archives, KICKASS Careers, and the Tradeswomen Memorial Project at the Long Beach Rosie the Riveter Park. For more on Pat, see:

The event is sponsored by the course, HIST 144G- 20th c. U. S. Labor History, and is open to the public to arrive at either 3:30 (with film) or 4:00pm (without film). If you have questions, please email the course instructor, Trevor Griffey at