Hip Hop Artist Freeloader MC

 East Asian Studies     Apr 23 2018 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Irvine Barclay Theatre & Cheng Hall

You are invited to a performance by hip-hop artist Freeloader MC, performing music from his upcoming album, "Dragon of the West."

Asian American rapper Freeloader MC will be a guest performer for Illuminations 2018.  By sharing his own personal experiences growing up as an Asian American through his music, he will be adding his own dialogue to this year's theme of Unity through Diversity, leading audiences to reflect upon their own customs and cultures and how they can find their own self-identy in the world around them.  He recently graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bacherlor's degree in Audio Production, and is currently pursuing a full-time music career.

RSVP http://illuminations.uci.edu/events/2018_4_23_Jason_Wu_Freeloader_MC.html