Urban and Rural Reform in Latin America: The Challenges of Progressive Government in 1960s Chile and 2000s Brazil

 Latin American Studies     Apr 13 2018 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM HG1010

The event will examine two cases of progressive public policy and its limits in 1960s Chile and 2000s Brazil. While Brazilian Visiting Scholar Renato Balbim (UCI Social Ecology) will discuss the urban planning policy of the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2011), Brazilian Visiting Doctoral Student Joana Salem (History Department) will examine the projects and application of rural reform in late 1960s Chile.

Renato Balbim has a PhD in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (2003). He is the former Director of Urban Planning Ministry of Cities (Brazil 2008–2009), Coordinator of Urban Rehabilitation Ministry of Cities (Brazil 2003–2007), Senior Consultant at Cities Alliance - World Bank (Brazil, 2005). He has several publications including editor and author of ten books on urban development and more than fifity articles in journals and books. He was Representative of IPEA and Ministry of Cities in many National Councils and Working Groups.

Joana Salem, a PhD candidate at University of São Paulo with a MA in Economic Development, is currenty a UCI visiting Doctoral student in the History Department. She examines the revolutionaries' agrarian reforms in Latin America during the 1960s and 1970s and the relation between left-wing politics and peasantry in the Cuban and Chilean transitions to socialism. She authored "História agrária da revolução cubana: dilemas do socialismo na periferia" (Alameda, 2016), and coedited "Cuba no século XXI: dilemas da revolução" (Elefante, 2017).

Light Lunch will be served. Please RSVP.

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