Difference and Distinction: The "Mulato" Brotherhood of the Candelaria in Sixteenth-Century Santiago, Chile

 Latin American Studies     Apr 10 2018 | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM HG1010

Celia Cussen is Associate Professor in the Department of History, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chie. Her books include Black Saint of the Americas: The Life and Afterlife of Martín de Porres (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014). She edited Huellas de Africa en América: Perspectivas para Chile (Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 2009). Beyond many Spanish-language articles, she also published "The dynamics and determinants of slave prices in domestic service: Santiago de Chile, c.1773-1822," Revista de Historia Económica 2016 (1-29), “A House of Miracles: Origins of the Sanctuary of Santa Rosa in Late Seventeenth-Century Lima”, Colonial Latin American Historical Review 14 (2005) [copyright 2007], 1-23, and “The Search for Idols and Saints in Colonial Peru: Linking Extirpation and Beatification,” Hispanic American Historical Review 85, 3 (August, 2005), 417-448.