Special presentation by playwright Lauren Yee and dramaturg Andy Knight of world premiere of CAMBODIAN ROCK BAND

 Asian American Studies     Mar 8 2018 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Social Science Hall 100

About the Play

Part comedy, part mystery, part rock concert, this thrilling story toggles back and forth in time, as father and daughter face the music of the past. Neary, a young Cambodian American has found evidence that could finally put away the Khmer Rouge’s chief henchman. But her work is far from done. When Dad shows up unannounced—his first return to Cambodia since fleeing 30 years ago—it’s clear this isn’t just a pleasure trip. Recommendation: Age 13 and above. Contains adult language.

Cambodian Rock Band

By Lauren Yee
Music by Dengue Fever
Directed by Chay Yew

Music Direction by Matt MacNelly
Dramaturgy by Andy Knight

A special presentation by playwright Lauren Yee and dramaturg Andy Knight of Cambodian Rock Band followed by a Q&A. ​This event is free & open to the UC Irvine community. Registration is not required

Co-sponsored by Illuminations: The Chancellor's Arts & Culture Initiative, Department of Asian American Studies, and South Coast Repertory.