Day of Remembrance

 Asian American Studies     Feb 20 2018 | 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Crystal Cove Auditorium.

Tomo No Kai invites you to attend the 2018 Day of Remembrance on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at Crystal Cove Auditorium.

The theme for this year is "Redressing Wounds":

"76 years ago during World War II on February 19, 1942, approximately 120,000 Japanese and Japanese American citizens were evicted, corralled, and held captive after President Roosevelt implemented Executive Order 9066 under the pretense of 'protection against espionage and against sabotage' after the bombings of Pearl Harbor. Thousands of families and individuals were refused their human and civil rights and were ripped away from their homes, properties, businesses, and livelihoods. It wasn't until 1976 that Executive Order 9066 was rescinded by President Ford. Survivors, however, did not hear an apology and redress from the U.S. government until President Reagan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, 46 years later.

Day of Remembrance defines and humbles who we are. Our history is the blueprint to our future and we value the importance of reflecting back on this tragedy to fully grasp how far we have come and how much we have been given by the previous generations. This year on the 30th anniversary of the apology and redress, we will be joined by Sam Mihara, an internment camp survivor himself, and Brian Niiya, the Content Director for Densho, an organization set on preserving the voices and memories of the men, women, and children held captive. With their help, we will have an open dialogue on the impact of the persecution of the Internment Camps, the stigma, displacement, and psychological toll that the Asian community has been subjected to, and the roads that the precedent generations have paved.
In relation to the current political climate, program participants can walk away from tonight's presentation with knowledge on humility, tolerance, and the perseverance of human strength. Through the profession and personal experiences of tonight's speakers, attendees can begin their introspection of their actions and inactions, extend a hand to those without voices & rights, and help those facing undue persecution and injustice today."

Thank you,

Emily Tran
Tomo No Kai Historian
1(626) 534-1790
University of California, Irvine

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