Heterodox Histories: Black Internationalism in Brazil

 History     Feb 9 2018 | 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM HG 1010

Talk: Black Internationalism in Brazil During the 1930s
Guest: Dr. Jessica Graham (UC San Diego)

Join us this Friday, February 9th for a talk with Dr. Jessica Graham on “Black Internationalism in Brazil during the 1930s”. The talk will be at noon in HG 1010 and will be followed by a (free) community lunch at 1:00pm.

Dr. Graham is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of California, San Diego. Her current book manuscript, “Shifting the Meaning of Democracy: Racial Inclusion as a Strategy of the U.S. and Brazilian States, 1930-45,” interrogates the impact of communism, fascism, and World War II as well as the transformations of racial meanings in Brazil and the U.S.

To RSVP & let us know about any dietary restrictions, please email Samantha Engler at englers@uci.edu. If you have questions, please contact Professor Rachel O'Toole at rotoole@uci.edu.