Free screening of "Women of 1915," a documentary film by Bared Maronian

 Armenian Studies     Jan 29 2018 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM McCormick Screening Room/Humanities Gateway 1070

"Women of 1915," a documentary film by Bared Maronian
Mr. Maronian will introduce the film, screen it, and then field a Q&A
No charge for this event.

"The documentary WOMEN OF 1915 combines facts and emotion to honor these brave women of the Armenian Genocide, many of whom lost their lives, survived to create new lives, or were forced into lives that were not their own. Many women, Armenian, European, and American, also traveled great distances to rescue lives, even at the risk of their own. Among the women highlighted in the film are survivors, volunteers, and resisters, including survivor Aurora Mardiganian, American volunteer Mary Louise Graffam, diplomat Diana Apkar, and Danish missionary Maria Jacobsen."

Notable screenings, awards and mentions:
World Premiere: Ciccone Theatre, New Jersey
Australian Premiere: Melbourne , Wellington College. Sydney, AGBU Center
Detroit Premiere: Emagine Novi Theatre, Michigan