Ted Conover, author of "Immersion"

 Humanities Center     Jan 25 2018 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Crystal Cove Auditorium

Ted Conover, author of Immersion: A Writer’s Guide to Going Deep, will talk about his practice of immersive journalism, where writers place themselves in the world of their subjects for a time.

Ted Conover teaches journalism at the Arthur L. Carter School of Journalism at New York University. His books include Rolling Nowhere: Riding the Rails with America's Hoboes (1984); Coyotes: A Journey Across Borders with America's Illegal Migrants (1987); Whiteout: Lost in Aspen (1991); Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing (2000); and The Routes of Man: Travels in the Paved World (2010).

Co-sponsored by Illuminations, the Campus Climate Council, the Program in Literary Journalism, the Department of Criminology, Law and Society, the Center for Law, Culture, and Society, and the Forum for the Academy and the Public.