Drama Pedagogy and Dramatic Interactions in Foreign Language Teaching

 German     Nov 27 2017 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM HG 1010

Drama Pedagogy and Dramatic Interactions in Foreign Language Teaching

How can dramatic performance benefit the foreign-language learner? And how can dramatic techniques help instructors choreograph a more dynamic classroom? This workshop will guide instructors through some small-scale activities suitable for elementary and intermediate language classes, as well as strategies for transforming literary texts into a rich source of student creativity through writing, speaking, and performance.
Lisa Parkes is Senior Lecturer and Director of the German Language Program at Harvard University, having previously coordinated the German program at UCLA. Besides foreign language pedagogy, her teaching and research interests include modern German literature, music and drama, and she has been directing plays annually for over a decade.

November 27th, 3-5pm in HG 1010

For more inforamiton contact Megan Schleh: mschleh@uci.edu