UC Writing Conference 2017: Making Connections

 English     Oct 6 2017 - Oct 7 2017 | 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM TBA

UC Writing Conference 2017: Making Connections


The 2017 University of California System-Wide WRITING CONFERENCE will be held at UC Irvine on Friday, October 6, 2017 and Saturday, October 7, 2017.  We will begin at noon on Friday and end with a reception Saturday afternoon.  Linda Adler-Kassner, Professor of Writing at UC Santa Barbara, will offer our keynote on Friday afternoon.

Our theme for the conference is MAKING CONNECTIONS. We invite individual paper and panel proposals (of 3-5 speakers) for two tracks:

First, we seek papers and panels that connect University of California campus and system work in writing studies, rhetoric, and composition to larger national conversations about writing, writing pedagogy, and writing scholarship.  Our campuses and programs are often highly innovative in mounting a range of courses, pedagogies, curricula, and research agendas.  How does the local work we do in CA connect with (model? challenge? refute? extend?) conversations about writing happening across the country?

Second, we seek papers and panels to tackle issues in writing, writing instruction, and writing program administration facing UC campuses collectively.  These presentations will lay out the challenges and issues as well as providing active ways to think about, address, or potentially solve the issue under discussion.  We are thinking of these as “mobilization” panels, or conversations in which groups can productively exchange ideas about issues important to all of us across the system.

Ideally, panel proposals will consist of speakers from at least two (or more) campuses.

If you have any questions, please send a message to UCWritingConference2017@gmail.com.

Proposals are due to the email address above by July 1, 2017.

We look forward to seeing you in October!


Jonathan Alexander, Professor of English / Campus Writing Coordinator
Daniel M. Gross, Associate Professor of English / Director of Composition
Jerry Lee, Assistant Professor of English
Brad Queen, LSOE / Associate Director of Composition
For additional information and to read the conference CFP, please visit www.writing.uci.edu/ucwritingconference2017.