"World | Cinema | Text" with Nitin Govil + JD Connor

 Center for Culture and Capital     May 5 2017 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM HG 1002

Nitin Govil (USC), "Textuality and the Image of Global Circulation"

What role does the image play in the visualization of global circulation? This paper seeks to answer that question and to offer a methodological consideration of textual analysis in global media industries work. More specifically, I will examine cinematic relations between Hollywood and Bombay in the past and present.

JD Connor (USC), "Tips of the Cap: Textuality in the Deferred Sequel"

Somewhere in the gray area between sequel, reboot, and remake lies the deferred-action movie. While we might initially suspect that Hollywood makes these movies for a simple reason—money—such projects raise complex questions regarding creative labor, audience memory, the definition of the filmic "element," and the nature of reference and duplication.

Response by Allison Perlman (UCI)

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