Open Mic Night at the CEWC

 English     May 11 2017 - May 12 2017 | 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Ayala Science Library 193

Open Mic Night at the CEWC

Thursday, May 11, 2017
6:30 to 8:00 pm

Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication
Ayala Science Library 193
Throughout the year, the Office of the Campus Writing Coordinator has been celebrating student writing. We continue that celebration with an evening open mic night. We welcome nonfiction writers, fiction writers, poets, and textual composers of all sorts! Bring something to read or come enjoy the work of other students. We’ll provide the space and the food; you provide the art. See you there!

Please RSVP at by Monday, May 8, 2017. Pizza will be served.

The event is sponsored by the UCI Office of the Campus Writing Coordinator.