English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium: Alexander Jabbari

 English     May 10 2017 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM HG 3301

English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium: Alexander Jabbari

Modernizing Conventions in Persian and Urdu: Print, Punctuation, and Purity

Alexander Jabbari is a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature with a designated emphasis in Feminist Studies at UCI. This fall he will join the University of Oklahoma's department of International and Area Studies as Farzaneh Family Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature.

Brief abstract: This chapter charts transformations in Persian and Urdu prose at the turn of the 20th century. I argue that literary modernization in these languages largely consisted of a set of formal conventions including aspects of print culture, typology, punctuation, and prose style, as well as conventional content such as puritan approaches to sexuality and a "golden age and decline" model of history.