Aesthetics & Violence: Cultural Continuities in the German Tradition?

 European Languages and Studies     May 6 2017 | 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM HIB 135

A Symposium in honor of Professor Gail Hart:

"Aesthetics and Violence: Cultural Continuities in the German Tradition?"


Gesa Dane, Frei Universität Berlin
Peter Pfeiffer, Georgetown University
Johannes Endres, UC Riverside
Kai Evers, UC Irvine
Jeffrey High, California State University Long Beach
Todd Kontje, UC San Diego
Ruth Kluger, UC Irvine
David Pan, UC Irvine
Irmela von der Lühe, Freie Universität Berlin

Link to the online registration site: Click Here

Registration is free and will be open until April 20th. Please register as early as possible so that we have an accurate head count for catering, as well as for arranging for parking for non-UCI attendees.

Thanks to the Department of Comparative Literature, the Dean of the School of Humanities, and the Humanities Commons for their support of this event.

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