English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium: Jasmine Lee

 English     May 3 2017 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM HG 3301

Jasmine Smith presents "A 'Satisfying' and 'Profitable' Democratic Education: Life Adjustment and the Making of
American Youth into Citizens."

Jasmine Lee is a PhD candidate in the Department of English, the Graduate Writing Fellow for the Office of the Campus Writing Coordinator, and an Editorial Assistant for Rhetoric Society Quarterly. Her research interests include rhetoric and composition history and theory, affect theory, and political economy. In her dissertation, Appraising Our Investments in Youth: Rhetorical Education in the Age of Neoliberalism, Jasmine investigates youth as a topos, taking stock of its relationship to neoliberal ideology, and tracking how it moves through and animates both popular and specialized discourses.