French Presidential Elections

 European Languages and Studies     Apr 23 2017 | 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM HG 1030

April 23rd is the date of the first-round of the French Presidential Elections. In the present context, these elections are of particular importance with regard to French politics, to the future of the European Union as well as to international relations.

Please join us on that occasion for a discussion and a screening of the first-round results of the elections. 


9:30-10:45 am: First Panel Discussion: On the impact of these elections on French, European and global politics

Daniel Brunstetter (Political Science/ International Studies)
Senem Cevik (Research Fellow, Center on Ethics and Morality)
Kai Evers (German & European Studies)
Odile Héberlé (French Studies)

10:45-11:15 am. A live-screening of the first-round election results on French TV

11:30am-12:45pm:  Second Panel Discussion: Early Comments On the Outcome of this First Round

Christophe Litwin (French Studies)
Catherine Malabou (Comparative Literature)
George Van Den Abbeele (Dean of the School of Humanities)

Snacks and drinks will be offered, but feel to bring your own French dishes for everyone to try out!

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