Annual HGSA Conference

 History     Apr 21 2017 | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM HG 1030

Hybrid History: Conversations Across Disciplines and Audiences
Annual History Graduate Student Association Conference 2017
Friday, April 21, 2017

“The slippages between history and literature became impossible to discern because through time communities changed modes of literary production, and when such a shift occurred, the earlier genre lost patronage as well as historicity and became more 'literary' (or was meant to be read that way). Since today's history becomes tomorrow's literature, multidisciplinarity is a methodological requirement rather than a hermeneutical choice.” (Anjali Arondekar, 2005)

The aim of this year’s History Graduate Student Association conference is to engage in conversations on the various methods and approaches to historical writing. We invite papers from graduate students that engage in historical scholarship. This year’s theme, hybrid history, considers how our presenters’ scholarship makes connections to scholars in various fields of inquiry and how they communicate their work with non-academic audiences. The broad scope of this conference brings together scholars working in different time periods, regions, and themes.

The HGSA conference offers a welcoming environment for graduate students to present and workshop their research.

Each panel will have a UCI faculty discussant/moderator. The faculty member will provide written feedback on each paper in the panel and moderate the question and answer session.

Potential Keynote Speakers
Touraj Daryaee, Professor, History, UC Irvine
David Igler, Professor and Department Chair, History, UC Irvine
Kavita Philip, Associate Professor, History, UC Irvine
Rachel O’Toole, Associate Professor, History, UC Irvine

Conference Organizers
Arnold Alahverdian:, History Graduate Student, UC Irvine
Katherine Cosby:, History Graduate Student, UC Irvine
Call for Papers
Please submit your abstract proposal to and by March 3, 2017. Maximum 150 words