Revolutionary Lives Symposium

 Humanities Center     Apr 21 2017 | 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM HG 1341

A workshop on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian Revolution. 

10 am Christina Kiaer, Art History, Northwestern University
"Afrika, Amerika and Iskorka: Comintern Anti-Racism in a Soviet Children’s Journal"

11 am Nancy Perloff, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Collections, Getty Research Institute
""Verbivocovisual": The Futurist "Word as Such" in Postwar Avant-Gardes"

2 pm David Shneer, History, University of Colorado, Boulder
"Displaying Grief: Dmitrii Baltmermants, Soviet Holocaust Photography, and Cold War Diplomacy"

3 pm Aglaya Glebova, Art History, UC Irvine
"Photography Inside Out: Aleksandr Rodchenko and the City"

4 pm Yuri Slezkine, History, UC Berkeley
“Revolutionary Lives and Revolutionary Deaths in the House of Government”

Revolutionary Lives Poster

Presented by the Russia & Eurasia Research Cluster in conjunction with the Mellon Sawyer Seminar "Documenting War." Co-sponsors: Visual Studies program, Jewish Studies program, Department of History, and the Humanities Commons.