English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium: Jared McCoy

 English     Apr 19 2017 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM HG 3301

English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium: Jared McCoy

Talk Title: Text Machines: On the possibility of algorithmic deconstruction

Bio: Jared McCoy is an English PhD candidate at the University of California, Irvine. His dissertation, Text Machines, is an inquiry into the theoretical and practical implications of contemporary technologies of memory. His website, surfacescholar.com, hosts a draft of this text interwoven with a series of video essays and open for peer-review using the hypothes.is annotator plugin. The key questions being pursued here are why the utopian visions of collective textuality formulated by thinkers such as Vannevar Bush, Ted Nelson and George Landow remain largely unrealized to this day and how humanities scholars can contribute to the conscientious design of our cultural knowledgebase.