English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium: Aubrey Tang, "Visceral Visuality: Trespassing in the Body in Drug War"

 English     Apr 5 2017 | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM 3301 Humanities Gateway

Event Title: English and Comparative Literature Dissertation Colloquium
Location: 3301 Humanities Gateway
Time: 1:30-3 PM
Dates and Speakers:
April 4: Aubrey Tang, "Visceral Visuality: Trespassing in the Body in
Drug War"

Aubrey Tang is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Comparative
Literature at the University of California, Irvine. Her interests
include phenomenology; cognitive theory; as well as Chinese and
Sinophone cinemas. Her book chapter on Shanghai sensationism, “The
Sensations of Semicolonial Shanghai: A Phenomenological Study of the
Short Stories by Liu Na'ou,” has just come out in the Palgrave volume
entitled Sensationalism and the Genealogy of Modernity: A Global
Nineteenth Century Approach.

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