William Germano, "Developing a Research Narrative"

 Humanities Center     Feb 24 2017 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HG1341

William Germano is Professor of English and Dean of Humanities at the Cooper Union. For over twenty years he directed programs in scholarly publishing, first as editor-in-chief at Columbia University Press and then as vice-president and publishing director at Routledge; during his publishing career he developed wide experience with disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences, working with many extraordinary scholars, among them Peter Galison, Jacques Derrida, Cornel West, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Gilles Deleuze, bell hooks, Herbert Gans, Stephen Orgel, Michael Taussig, Dario Fo, Sander Gilman, Stephen Greenblatt, Arthur Danto, Raymond Williams, Paul Willis, Stanley Aronowitz, David Bordwell, Julia Kristeva, Wayne Koestenbaum, James Elkins, Marjorie Garber, Peter Stallybrass, Fredric Jameson, Diana Fuss, and Martin Jay.

He is the author of From Dissertation to Book and Getting It Published (University of Chicago Press).

RSVP Julia Lupton, jrlupton@uci.edu, for lunch.