What is to be done? Humanities Dean's Forum on Contemporary Issues

 Humanities Center     Feb 8 2017 | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

"How to be Heard"

FEBRUARY 8, 2017
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Humanities Gateway 1010

Moderated by Georges Van Den Abbeele, dean of the UCI School of Humanities, this bi-weekly forum will address urgent contemporary topics with experts who can provide actionable advice.

Our first event will focus on getting your voice heard. We will answer the following questions: Whom do I reach out to in local and national government to have my voice heard? How do I get my elected officials to listen? How do I get my expertise into the spotlight to add clarity to complicated issues? How do I leverage social media to make a change?

"How to be Heard" will feature advocacy and media experts Kate Klimow, assistant vice chancellor of community and government relations, Tom Vasich, interim director of media relations, Andrew Highsmith, assistant professor of history, and Annabel Adams, director of marketing and communications for the UCI School of Humanities.

Every other Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. in Humanities Gateway
Email Erica Yun at Erica.Yun@uci.edu for more information.

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